International Buffet – Alþjóðlegt hlaðborð

This past Saturday, November 10th 2012, the students hosted an international dinner night: food and music from all over the globe, representing the 12 nations from which the 2012/13 CMM students come. The event was held at Kaffi Ísol and was a huge success thanks to the support of owner Auður Ósk Aradóttir, translation services from Albertína Friðbjörg Elíasdóttir (University Writing Center), and seafood donations from Fiskbúð Sjávarfangs. This event provided the opportunity for CMM students to not only work and organize amongst themselves, but also to become immersed in the local community, sharing our stories and interests as students in Ísafjörður. I was completely overwhelmed with everyone’s hard work and generosity; students and locals alike! The positive outcomes of this event have provided us with opportunities to host future community events; so, stay tuned!

Meanwhile,  check out BB’s coverage on the event! My rough English translation…
A crowd at international buffet: Students who study at the University Center cooked food from their home countries last Saturday and invited the townspeople to feast at Kaffi Ísol. Residents crowded the buffet and were very well received, as chefs work to make the evening a success. The hall was decorated with flags and maps and options were extremely varied, colorful, and delicious.” (chelsea boaler)

Methodology Presentations

The CMM students presented their week-long methodology research for Albertína Friðbjörg Elíasdóttir’s class. After going out into the community and speaking with locals regarding various coastal topics, students came back and discussed issues from environmental reporting in the BB, to sustainable fisheries, to overall town goals and vision. Guests included: Daníel Jakobsson, Mayor of Ísafjörður; Gísli Halldór Halldórsson, town councillour, Menntaskóli worker and former CMM student; Þorleifur Ágústsson, PhD in animal physiology and Menntaskóli teacher, and; Kristján Viggósson, Menntaskóli English teacher.

Class presentations are always open to the community! If you are interested in knowing what the CMM students are up to, please do not hesitate to contact the University Center. (chelsea boaler)

Student Collaboration

The CMM students visited the local students at Menntaskólinn Ísafirði, Thursday November 8th 2012. The visit was our first of many, where we introduced ourselves, the countries and cultures we represent, and how we ended up in Ísafjörður. This was a great way to connect our home regions with Iceland, though we, as CMM students, also learned a lot about our peers (and in some cases, our own countries)! We had a great time, and hope to continue our involvement with the Menntaskólinn Ísafirði academically, socially, and culturally. (chelsea boaler)

International Buffet – Alþjóðlegt hlaðborð

PLEASE NOTE: Tickets are required for this event- see below for details. Cash only.
Are you interested in meeting some of this year’s foreign students of Haskolasetur Vestfjarda and sampling some international recipes? Then join us at Kaffi Isol on Saturday, November 10th, for our first ever International Buffet, brought to you by Aegir, the Coastal and Marine Management Students’ Association. The kitchen will be open from 18:00 until 22:00 to serve you delicious bits and bites prepared with love by the students themselves and you will be welcomed into a warm ambiance with an international theme so you can learn more about the cultures behind the food. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you!Tickets are 1500 KR per person and will be on sale at Kaffi Isol until Thursday, Nov. 8th. A ticket is required to sample food as there will be limited quantities, however the bar will be open and serving drinks separately.
For more information:
ATHUGIÐ: Kaupa þarf miða á hlaðborðið – sjá nánar hér að neðan. Ekki tekid wid kortum.
Hefur þú áhuga á að hitta nokkra af alþjóðlegum nemendum Háskólaseturs Vestfjarða og um leið fá að smakka á ýmsum alþjóðlegum réttum? Komdu þá á Kaffi Ísól laugardaginn 10. nóvember á fyrsta alþjóðlega hlaðborðið okkur sem haldið er af Ægi, nemendafélagi Haf- og strandsvæðanema. Eldhúsið verður opið frá kl. 18.00 og til 22.00 og verður ýmislegt girnilegt í boði, útbúið af nemendunum sjálfum sem koma víða að. Boðið verður upp á notalega stemningu og girnilegan mat frá ólíkum löndum. Okkur hlakkar til að hitta og kynnast þér!Miðaverð er kr. 1500 og eru miðar til sölu á Kaffi Ísól fram á fimmtudag, 8. nóvember næstkomandi. Nauðsynlegt er að tryggja sér miða þar sem takmarkað framboð er af mat. Barinn verður þó auðvitað að venju opinn.

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