Halloween party this friday!

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Ægir student union are proud to host a dress-up halloween party this Friday 31st October at 11:30 in Edinborg, Isafjordur.

There will be a best costume competition, halloween games and prizes as well as music from our student DJ – DJ Stratify!

Dress code: halloween themed fancy dress (preferably scary!!)
Tickets will cost 800 ISK in advance and 1000 ISK on the door. Tickets can be bought before hand from Edinborg and the University reception

The Ægir Student Association

Hrekkjarvaka/Halloween Party í Edinborg föstudaginn 31. október
Komið og samgleðjist okkur, nemendum á Háskólasetri. Verðlaun fyrir besta búninginn. Hrekkjarvöku leikir og verðlaun. Alþjóðlegur DJ frá Ísafirði DJ Stratify.

Betri föt í anda eða drauga Hrekkjarvökunnar. Því ógnvænlegri því betr.
Hægt er að kaupa miða í Edinborg og á Háskólasetrinu á 800 krónur og við innganginn á 1000 krónur.

The Ægir Student Association
Halloween Poster

3rd place in friendly rowing competition


The new students of the CMM 2014-2015 had a chance to prove their physical and mental will, after they were invited to take part in the local high schools’ rowing competition.

The 7 students were set to row in the first heat against the high school male teachers’ team. Presenting strong muscles and absolute mental fortitude, the student team came from behind to beat the teachers by a mere 1 second!

Overall the student team placed 3rd out of 8 teams.


Photo Credits: Suse Kühn