Halloween party this friday!

Facebook cover photo

Ægir student union are proud to host a dress-up halloween party this Friday 31st October at 11:30 in Edinborg, Isafjordur.

There will be a best costume competition, halloween games and prizes as well as music from our student DJ – DJ Stratify!

Dress code: halloween themed fancy dress (preferably scary!!)
Tickets will cost 800 ISK in advance and 1000 ISK on the door. Tickets can be bought before hand from Edinborg and the University reception

The Ægir Student Association

Hrekkjarvaka/Halloween Party í Edinborg föstudaginn 31. október
Komið og samgleðjist okkur, nemendum á Háskólasetri. Verðlaun fyrir besta búninginn. Hrekkjarvöku leikir og verðlaun. Alþjóðlegur DJ frá Ísafirði DJ Stratify.

Betri föt í anda eða drauga Hrekkjarvökunnar. Því ógnvænlegri því betr.
Hægt er að kaupa miða í Edinborg og á Háskólasetrinu á 800 krónur og við innganginn á 1000 krónur.

The Ægir Student Association
Halloween Poster

3rd place in friendly rowing competition


The new students of the CMM 2014-2015 had a chance to prove their physical and mental will, after they were invited to take part in the local high schools’ rowing competition.

The 7 students were set to row in the first heat against the high school male teachers’ team. Presenting strong muscles and absolute mental fortitude, the student team came from behind to beat the teachers by a mere 1 second!

Overall the student team placed 3rd out of 8 teams.


Photo Credits: Suse Kühn



Karaoke Night on Friday 3.10!


Karaoke Poster

This friday in Kafi Ísól, the new Ægir student association are hosting a Karaoke night!

Songs start at 21:00 and go on until 01:00 or as long as people feel musically active.

Prices for songs are 300 isk for one song or 500 isk for two songs.

See you there!

And now Google Translate…

Þetta föstudagur í Kafi ISOL, nýja Ægir nemendafélagið ert hýsa a Karaoke nótt!

Lög byrja á 21:00 og fara á til klukkan 01:00 eða svo lengi sem fólk finnst músíkalskt virkt.

Verð fyrir lög eru 300 kr fyrir eitt lag eða 500 krónur fyrir tvö lög.

Sjáumst þar!

Thanksgiving Dinner as a start for the new Committee

The new cohort of students has settled in now after being in Isafjordur for a bit more than two month. Some of them agreed on continuing the work of Ægir, the student association, which has been carried out by last year’s students. As a first event a Dinner was offered in the University building. This was done on Monday the 21st of October, inviting all people working for the different companies in the building. Thanksgiving was chosen as a theme and so the approximately 25 guests were offered dishes like chicken, mashed potatoes and apple cake. It was a lovely evening, that gave the opportunity to get to know the new students and also the different companies situated in the building. After the dessert had been served everyone left satisfied and the Ægir members want to say their thanks again to every guest that was there. The next event is already being planned, hopefully seeing a lot of you again as well as some new faces.

Your Ægir Committee

Miðjarðarhafssigling – Mediterranean Cruise


Poster Credit: Anja Bock

(English message below)

SUNNUDAGUR MAI.5 – kl. 18-20

Má bjóða þér með í hellandi ferð meðfram Miðjarðarhafsströnd, þar sem komið verður við á mismunandi stöðum og smakkað á matargerð heimamanna. Látum framandi matargerð Marokkó, Spánar, Króatíu, Grikklands, Tyrklands, Líbanon og fleiri miðjarðarhafslanda koma þér nær sól, sandi og stjörnum Miðjarðahafsins.

Um er að ræða síðasta alþjóðlega hlaðborð Haf- og strandsvæðastjórnunarnema Háskólaseturs Vestfjarða. Um leið og við þökkum þeim fyrir komuna sem hafa mætt undanfarin tvö skipti, hlökkum við til að sjá þig. Miðaverð er 2500 krónur og verður hægt að nálgast þá á kaffi Ísól, Háskólasetur, og með því að hafa samband við Laura eða Rana:


Vinsamlegast athugið, húsið opnar klukkan 18:00 og hefst borðhald klukkan 18:30. Staðurinn mun svo opna fyrir almenning klukkan 22:00.


SATURDAY MAY 11 – 6:00pm – 10:100pm

Embark on an enchanting journey along the mediterranean coast, stopping at different ports to savour out- of- this world cuisine. From Morocco to Italy to Spain, from Croatia to Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, and beyond, let this exotic culinary experience bring you closer to the sun, sand, and stars of the mediterranean sea.
This is the last of the International Buffets brought to you by the 2012- 2013 cohort of Coastal and Marine Management students at the University Center of the Westfjords. We thank everyone who has joined us for the previous two and we look forward to seeing you there for one last delicious celebration! Tickets cost 2500 kr and are available at Kaffi Ísol by contacting Laura or Rana:


* PLEASE NOTE: Doors will open at 18:00 and food will begin being served at 18:30 until it runs out. At 22:00, the doors will open to the public for drinks until closing time.

Open House Success

The open house welcomed numerous people who had not been to the previous open house that took place three years ago, or who had hardly set foot in the building at
all. It was Many people were visibly inrtigued when visiting the various organizations. Among those who participated and had displays were the Red Cross, Teiknistofan ehf (a local land- use planning company), the Multicultural Information Center, the Innovation Center of Iceland, and Hafro (the marine research institute). Several of these organizations welcomed people into their offices for casual chatting and snacks. Hafro even had an ‘open ship’ event, where they welcomed people into one of the ships on the harbour  to see the underwater camera view of an innovative scallop harvesting technology they have recently developed and run through initial testing.

The administrators of the University Center of the Westfjords had a display containing information about the various programs offered through the center, and the international students of the Coastal and Marine Management program used their classroom to display examples of the courses that are part of the program and to answer any questions. There was also a display to showcase past and present thesis topics and one to introduce people to the Aegir Student Association, and a bake sale to support the association. Funds from the bake sale and other fundraising activities will support the association’s continued
efforts to organize community events such as this open house, International Buffets, and the weekly cultural exchange nights, as well as weekend trip to Hornstrandir in the summer for the students to be able to celebrate the end of their classes by enjoying the beautiful local wilderness. (rana campbell)

Opið Hús – Open House

Photo Credit: BB http://www.bb.is/pages/44?NewsID=180768&imageid=87744

Velkomin í opið hús að Suðurgötu 12

Mörg þeirra fyritækja sem starfa í húsinu ætla að hafa dyr sínar opnar fyrir almenning:
Starfsendurhæfing Vestfjarða
Rauði Krossinn á Íslandi
Marine Research Institute (MRI)
Fjölmenningarsetur / Multicultural & Information Centre
Vestri ehf and Isfang hf.
Háskólasetur Vestfjarða

Haf og Strandveiði nemendur 2012-2013 verða með kynningu á þeirra námi, Háskólasetur Vestfjarða og nemendafélagið Ægir. Nemendafélagið Ægir verður með kökubasar. Allir velkomnir í kaffispjall með fólki viðsvegar að úr heiminum.

Vonumst til að sjá sem flesta 🙂
Ef þið óskið eftir upplýsingum þá vinsamlegast hafið samband við:
Laura: nordgren.laura@gmail.com or Râna: rana12@uwestfjords.is


Welcome to the Open House event at Suðurgata 12.

Many of the companies and organizations in the building will have their doors open to the public:

Starfsendurhæfing Vestfjarða
Rauði krossinn á Íslandi
Marine Research Institute (MRI)
Fjölmenningarsetur / Multicultural & Information Centre
Vestri ehf and Isfang hf.
Háskólasetur Vestfjarða

The 2012- 2013 Coastal and Marine Management students will be showcasing their program and Háskolasetur Vestfjarða, as well as the student association Ægir. Get a coffee and a treat from the bake sale; and sit down for a chat with people from around the world.

Hope to see you there 🙂
For additional information contact:
Laura: nordgren.laura@gmail.com or Râna: rana12@uwestfjords.is


Company Visits #13 & #14- Murr & Melrakkasetur

The students took a trip out to Suðavík to visit Murr of Iceland, Melrakkasetur, the Arctic Fox Center, and the Avalanche Memorial.

Murr is a pet food company established in 2008, and uses Icelandic meat and byproducts to produce both dog and cat food. During our visit, the food bags were in the process of being heated under extreme heat and pressure in order to eliminate any possibility of contamination. Additionally, there were various raw-hides being dried, such as pig ears to produce chewing toys for dogs. The company works under stricht regulations and fulfills requirements of both European Union as well as FDA in the US. Traceability is a key factor and they are able to trace back any product directly to the supplier, and even, the individual animal the product originated from. Thank-you for accommodating us and for the samples shared with those of us who have furry friends back home!

We then visited Melrakkasetur, the Arctic Fox Center. The Center was established in September 2007 but opened in June 2010, and is the only Arctic Fox Research and Exhibition Center in the world. The exhibition focus on the biological and historical aspects of the Arctic Fox in Iceland, including interactions with hunting and farming. Additionally, the Center focuses on research collaboration with institutions and participates in the development of wildlife and eco-tourism in the area. The Center has a cafe and a room upstairs in which they often host fundraiser events. For more information on the Center, please check out their website. Thanks Ester for taking the time to accomodate our group!

Lastly, we visited the Suðavík Avalanche Memorial, which was erected in memory of the 14 residents who lost their lives after a destructive avalanche, January 16, 1995. This event has particular significance of course for the town, but also for the students, who have had the chance to discuss avalanche risk assessment in terms of Environmental Impact Assessments through their course work and research regarding coastal planning and developments. (chelsea boaler)

Company Visits #11 & #12- Longline Baiters & 3X Technology

The Fishing Technology students visited both the longline baiters and 3X Technology.

The baiters are responsible for baiting and re-baiting longlines, where one bucket contains 500 hooks, spaced about one metre apart. It takes the baiters about an hour a bucket, and so they are able to get through quite a lot of line in an eight-hour day! The types of bait being used are saury, squid, sandeel, and mackerel, and are imported, often from Asia. After the lines are baited, they are placed in the freezer, awaiting transport to the boats. Right now, they service one boat, the Kristin-IS, owned by Sjávareldi Ehf, and Saevar is the one responsible for the baiting. In winter months, there are two boats being serviced, with both Gummi and Saevar baiting.

3X Technology is a food-systems equipment and technology producer, based here in Ísafjörður, and was founded by three locals in 1994. The company has grown rapidly, and now services international markets. 3X is responsible for the both the design and production of all their products. They service the aquaculture and fishing processing industries; in fact, all the processing equipment we saw during our Kampi company visit was from 3X! A special thanks to Karl Ásgeirsson for showing us around the entire factory.

Thank-you to our instructor, Einar Hreinsson, for organizing these outings! (chelsea boaler/jennifer smith)

Harlem Shake Video – Ísafjörðurbær

Saturday, the CMM students invited Ísafjörðurbær to join them in their very own Harlem Shake video. Students, residents, children, and pets came dressed in outrageous outfits and danced their hearts out!

A special thanks to Arnar Kristjásson for allowing us to use his boat, all those involved in filming, editing, and documenting, and of course those participating in the video.

Check out the video and photos below. VOTE for our video by clicking “KJÓSA” for the Aegir Student Association video. Enjoy! (chelsea boaler)